





The aim of FAST Training Policy is to provide and ensure up-to-date protocols, policies and procedures are immediately disseminated to all Responders. This, facilitating and supporting the Service provided by FAST to the Community of Camposol by Emergency First Responders, is in accordance with the requirements of Murcia Health Authority and Emergency Medical Supplies (the certifying agency) and the European Resuscitation Council guidelines.



The following objectives are of equal value:


*  To ensure all Responders receive a solid foundation in their core training.


*  To ensure continuous training and support is provided to enable Responders to

    meet the demands of the Service provided by FAST.


*  To facilitate the development of all Responders.


*  To provide an environment where continuous improvement exists and opportunities

    are available for advancement.


 *  To provide counselling through discussion and individual consultation.




Emergency Medical Supplies (EMS) has agreed to support FAST and become their Accreditation Agency. EMS and FAST have appointed Barry Hamilton, as FAST’s CHIEF INSTRUCTOR. This has been welcomed and fully endorsed by the President of FAST.


FAST has agreed to adopt and follow the training programme provided by EMS.  The Chief Instructor will implement the programme. The final assessment of all trainee Responders and Instructors will be made solely by the Chief Instructor.  Certification will be provided by the accreditation agencies: Emergency Medical Supplies and Murcia Health Authority.


All standards and requirements instigated by Murcia Health Authority will be implicitly implemented.





All trainee Responders will undertake a programme of induction before their final Accreditation Assessment.  The Induction will cover all aspects of the organisation’s protocols, policies and procedures.  In addition, Responders will be required to complete the FAST Data Protection Course.




All Responders with appropriate experience and with continuous attendance at weekly training sessions, may apply to become Trainer or Level 4 Responder.




Responders are to attend the regular training sessions, this is a mandatory requirement. In addition, Responders are required to enhance their knowledge and skill using books and manuals supplied, shadowing other responders, in-house skill sharing, and discussion.  Also to use online information as recommended by the Chief Instructor.


The Responder is required to know and keep up-to-date with all aspects of The Health & Safety Policies of FAST and other specified procedures influenced by changes made by legislation.


For Responders not attending training for 6 weeks it will be assumed ‘skills fade’ has occurred. The Responder will be required to refresh their skills.



The primary objective of the Training Team is to ensure up-to-date protocols, policies and procedures are immediately disseminated to all responders.


It will be the responsibility of the Training Team to ensure an effective well-planned programme is implemented to ensure the security of the responders’ skill base.




FAST is committed to ensuring equality of learning and development opportunities. No responder will be excluded on the grounds of gender, age, race, creed, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs.





All training and development records for each Responder will be stored electronically and made available to the President, Chief Instructor and, at their discretion, the Training Team.


Weekly attendance to training sessions will be recorded.  Monitoring and evaluation of responders’ ability/capability will be assessed at regular weekly training and feedback will be noted. Additional support as required will be provided. 



This Policy is a working document and will be revised annually or as circumstances decree.