

Code of Ethics and Conduct For FAST Volunteers

FAST is proud of its reputation on Camposol and in the surrounding area for strong values, integrity, respect and truthfulness. This reputation has been hard fought but now enables us to carry out our duties as FAST First Responders knowing that we will do our utmost to assist the residents and visitors to Camposol in their time of need. Furthermore, we do this in the knowledge that we have gained the trust and respect of the community we serve.


The FAST Code of Ethics and Conduct outlines the general standards that all of our volunteers are expected to live by. While this code does not address all ethical concerns that you may face, I hope it will give you the information you need to make ethical decisions as and when they are required.  I hope you will feel comfortable asking for guidance whenever you need help.


When faced with an ethical dilemma please think about the “front page” test. If you would not want to see an article printed on the front page of the local paper or magazine describing an action you took or failed to take, let that be your guide.


Thank you for helping FAST continue its commitment to the community.


Suzanne Reid

President, FAST

July 2024





The code is not a comprehensive guide of all ethical issues but merely highlights specific problems. In dealing with ethical problems, volunteers are expected to use common sense and their best moral judgment. If a volunteer has ethical questions, please contact a member of the committee. This code may be modified or updated at any time.  FAST welcomes volunteers’ suggestions on changes within the code.



It is the policy of FAST to observe all laws, rules and regulations of government agencies and authorities.  This specifically includes the Good Samaritan Law (Spain) and the Murcia Health Authority (Decree 15024) governing the use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED).



Whilst on duty all FAST volunteers are representing and promoting the Charity, therefore the highest standards of dress and cleanliness must be maintained at all times. Further, due to the nature of contact and close working proximity with both client group and team responders, particular attention is paramount with regard to Personal Hygiene.


Uniform Issue

When on duty, clean and pressed uniform is to be worn, suitable footwear for driving to be worn (not flip flops), FAST ID to be carried and Driving Licence readily available with you when using FAST vehicles.

All FAST volunteer responders will be initially issued with a FAST ID card and two shirts featuring the FAST logo.  Additionally, the vehicle will have a hi-vis vest and winter-weight jacket.

All support staff will be issued with a FAST ID.

FAST uniform items and ID remain the property of FAST and must be returned on leaving the organisation.

Authorised uniform items are issued free of charge.




Personal Protection Equipment (Barriers)

FAST Responders must ensure that PPE, barrier protection etc are used at all times when dealing with a casualty;  this includes the wearing of masks when necessary, also protective eyewear if dealing with injuries involving blood. These precautions are for the benefit and safety of yourselves as well as the casualty . Non-compliance will be your own responsibility.


Personal Safety When Attending a Callout

In order to maintain personal safety, solo attendance at a callout is not allowed.  THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO SOLORESPONDERS WHO HAVE ATTENDED THE APPROPRIATE TRAINING AND ARE SUITABLY QUALIFIED.


Alcohol and Illegal Drugs

It is FAST policy that responders must refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 8 hours prior to and whilst on duty as this may impair their ability to fully discharge their responsibilities as a FAST Responder. The taking of illegal drugs is not permitted under any circumstances - even if off duty.



Members of FAST are not permitted to accept gratuities offered for personal gain. Members should, if offered a gratuity, state that they are not allowed to accept gifts. However, if it is thought that this action appears to cause some offence, then the gift can be accepted declaring that it will be reported to the Committee for their approval or distribution.



Regular Training and Team Unity

FAST is in the business of saving lives and dealing with medical emergencies until the arrival of  the emergency medical services (EMS) and not just to give reassurance to the casualty. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the highest standards of skill and proficiency which can only be done by regular training and practice. It is important to attend training on a regular basis.  It is important that those who produce the working roster know that the responders skill set is of the highest standard. Training on this basis promotes Team Unity, Team Spirit and High Morale all of which are essential elements within a highly trained and cohesive organisation.

All forms of instruction/training are to be carried out only by those authorised and/or qualified to do so remembering that the ultimate responsibility lies with the Head Trainer as he or she could be held accountable in the event of any actions outside the parameters of the training.

The cost to fully train a responder is high in monetary terms as well as time, plus the uniform; therefore, in order for FAST to be able to recoup some of the cost of this training, responders are required to be available to at least cover duties over a 12 month roster period, in accordance with the Constitution.



Accurate and Complete Business Records: Volunteers must act in good faith not to misrepresent material facts in FAST books and records or in any internal or external correspondence, memo or communication of any type, including telephone or electronic communication.

Financial Reporting:  All FAST funds, assets, liabilities and receipts must be recorded in accordance with generally acceptable accounting procedures, including electronic records. There cannot be any ‘off the books’ accounts.

Proper Maintenance of Records:  FAST maintains documents in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.  If FAST receives a request for records or other legal papers or if there is reason to believe such a request or demand is likely, the law requires FAST to retain all relevant records and documentation for five years.



Equipment and Supplies: All equipment and supplies purchased by FAST remains the property of FAST including but not limited to office supplies, office furniture, computers, printers, Emergency First Response and training equipment.        



Non-Work Related Interests: FAST volunteers may not use their on duty time to promote non-FAST related interests of the volunteer or third parties without prior consent of the committee.

Proper Use of Organisational Assets: FAST volunteers may only use, transfer or dispose of funds or assets for the lawful and legitimate purposes for which they were approved by FAST.



Confidential Information:  FAST volunteers must exercise care to avoid disclosing confidential, non-public, internal or proprietary information related to FAST, or its client group to unauthorised persons either within or outside the charity during the period of volunteering or afterwards except where disclosure is legally mandated or approved by FAST.

Volunteer Access to Confidential Information: Only FAST volunteers that truly need to know confidential information to conduct their role within the charity will have access to confidential information and must take the necessary steps to keep the information private and confidential.  For further guidance see the Data Protection and Confidentiality Agreement signed by all Members.



All FAST volunteers must know this Code and adhere to its guidelines. If questions arise, please contact a committee member.



Volunteers must report any actual or suspected violations of this Code to a committee member. Failure to report any actual or suspected violation of the Code is in itself a violation of this Code.



The FAST Code of Ethics and Conduct is known as a living documentand is subject to additions, alterations etc. when deemed appropriate and sanctioned by the Committee.